Haughton School


Admissions Arrangements Policy - Dec 22.pdf
Admissions Arrangements Policy - Haughton Hubs - Dec 22 .pdf
Art Policy - Jan 23.pdf
Assessment Recording and Reporting Policy - Mar 23.pdf
Attendance Policy - March 2024.pdf
Behaviour Principles Written Statement Policy - Dec 21.pdf
Behaviour Support Restrictive Intervention Policy - Dec 2...
Calculations Policy - Jan 23.pdf
CCTV Policy - Nov 21.pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Child Emotional Health & Wellbeing Policy - July 22.pdf
Child-on-Child abuse Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023 - 2024 Janu...
Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Polic...
Colourful Semantics Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Complaints Policy - Mar24 review Sept25 whole school.pdf
Computing Curriculum Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Curriculum Policy - Jan 23.pdf
Data Protection Policy - Oct 22.pdf
Design Technology Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked...
Development Progression of Pencil Grip - Sept 21.pdf
Equality Information and Objectives - Dec 21.pdf
Equality Policy inc Accessibility Plan - Dec 21.pdf
Equality Statement Objectives - Dec21 whole school.pdf
Esafety Policy - Sept 2022.pdf
Exclusion Policy - Dec 21.pdf
EYFS Policy - Sept 22.pdf
First Aid Policy - Feb 23.pdf
Freedom of Information FOI Policy Publication Scheme - Ma...
Geography Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Governor Code of Conduct - Nov 22.pdf
Governors Allowances and Expenses Policy - Mar 23.pdf
Habitual and Vexatious Complaints Policy - Jul 24.pdf
Handwriting Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Handwriting Script Appendix.pdf
Health and Safety Policy - Nov 23.pdf
History Policy - Sept 23.pdf
Home School Agreement - Sept 21.pdf
Homework Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Inclusive Communication Policy - Dec 22.pdf
Individual Targets and Target Time Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Instrument of Government - Oct 14 reviewed Nov21.pdf
Intimate Care Policy - July 21.pdf
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022.pdf
Literacy Policy - Jan 23.pdf
Managing low level concerns or allegations against staff ...
Marking Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Mathematics Policy - Sept 22.pdf
Modern Foreign Languages Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Music Policy - Jan 23.pdf
PE Policy- Sept 21.pdf
PSHE and RSE Policy - Mar 23.pdf
Reading Policy - Apr 24.pdf
Religious Education Policy - Jan 23.pdf
Safer Recruitment Policy - Nov22.pdf
Science Policy - Jan 23.pdf
Smoking Policy - Apr 21.pdf
Social Media Policy - Oct 18.pdf
Special Education Needs and Disability Policy - Dec 21.pdf
Sun Protection Policy - May 21.pdf
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy - Dec ...
Teaching and Learning Policy - Sept 21.pdf
Uniform Policy - April 23.pdf
Visitors Policy - Jun 21 Staff.pdf
Wellbeing Policy - May 21.pdf
Whistleblowing policy and procedure - May 22 .pdf
Whole School Literacy Overview.pdf