Haughton School

USK2 Visits to The British Ironworks Centre


Class 11 had a great visit to The British Ironwork Centre. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed exploring the grounds and looking at all the sculptures. The children learnt about endangered animals and those on the verge of extinction as part of their topic work and were shocked to find out most of the animals were endangered due to humans!

The adults were so impressed with all the children and how brilliant they were on the visit. They should all be very proud of themselves! 


Class 13 visited The British Ironworks Centre to explore the extinction trail.  Children spotted different animals and learned about where they live and why they are endangered. They looked at what people can do to look after the planet and protect endangered animals.

Children found out about recycling and were amazed by the sculptures made from recycled materials, such as DVDs cars and horseshoes!
They also spotted wild flowers and mini beasts.

All the children have a voucher to return with an adult for free. 😊

All the children were brilliant - Well done Class 13! 


Children from Class 10 had a fantastic time at The British Ironwork Centre in Oswestry. The visit was part of their topic, which focuses of human impacts of animals and their habitats.

Children took photographs and collected information about the threats and dangers posed to the animals around the world.

Everyone was very interested in all of the sculptures, including the super-heroes and dragons.

Well done Class 10!