Haughton School


Who are the Governors and what do they do?

Who are we?

We currently have a governing body of 7 people

Name Category Appointing Body Term of Office Member of Committee
Jayne Stevens LA-Appointed (Chair) Local Authority 14th July 2025 C, A
Gill Knox Headteacher Headteacher Governor n/a All
Helen Parry Staff By Election 6th October 2024 C
Graham Oldham Parent  By Election 18th April 2028 C, F
Uma Bhatia Parent By Election 31st December 2025 C, A
Lucy West Parent By Election 31st December 2025 C, F
Beckie Teale Co-Opted (Vice Chair) Co-Opted 8th November 2024 C, F
Vacancy Co-Opted  Co-Opted   C, A
Deana Briggs Associate Associate Member n/a All

There are 3 Full Governing Board meetings a year in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.

There are also committee meetings held throughout the year:

  • Haughton Committee meetings (6/year: quorum 4) - comprises Raising Attainment & Celebrating Success (RACS), Finance, Personnel, Buildings & Maintenance and Health & Safety (C)
  • First Committee (2/year Summer & Autumn: quorum 3) (F)
  • Appeals (as required: quorum 3) (A)

What do the Governors do?

The Governors have 3 main roles in school:

  1. Strategic – contributing to the school’s vision and strategic aims
  2. Critical Friend – monitoring and evaluating performance, challenge and support of the head teacher
  3. Accountability – ensuring the school is accountable to pupils, local community, staff and those who fund it