Accident/Injuries in School
If your child has an accident at school, he/she will be treated immediately by a qualified school first aider. If an injury is serious, we may take your child to hospital for treatment. You will be informed if this happens. You will always receive a First Aid slip indicating the nature of your child’s injury and the treatment provided.
On very rare occasions, we may ask you to come to school to collect your child due to illness. We do not have a Nurse based at the school.
If your child is ill or suffering from a contagious disease please do not send him or her to school as this will assist in the prevention of the illness spreading to others.
If your child is absent from school with sickness and diarrhoea as a result of a virus or gastroenteritis they must be kept off school for 48 hours following the last episode.
Your child may see the school doctor or school nurse regularly for a general medical, weight and height checks and again for hearing and vision checks.
Medicines in School
We would prefer your child not to bring medication to school but if, under the instruction of a doctor, this is unavoidable we will administer prescribed medication. Please ensure the label clearly shows your child’s name, dose and time to be taken and send the medicine in original packaging. The school cannot give children non-prescribed medication. A medication form must be completed for all administered medication.
Medication Form
Medication Handling
Can we please remind you that medication must NOT be sent into school with your child or put in their school bag.
All medication (including inhalers) must either be brought into school by a Parent/Carer or handed to your child’s escort, who will pass it on to the school office. This is to ensure that all medication is recorded and stored safely and securely.
The health and safety of all of our pupils is of the utmost importance and your co-operation is appreciated. Thank you.