Haughton School

We have a school uniform which we expect children to wear every day.  Please note that we prefer children to wear black school shoes, however if trainers are worn, they must be completely black and very plain.  We do have non-uniform days occasionally, usually to raise money for school fund or charity.

  • Black or grey skirt/pinafore/trousers
  • Red/white polo shirt
  • Red & white dress
  • School or plain red sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece
  • Grey, Black or White socks/black shoes

We politely request that children do not have dyed hair or patterns shaved in their hair.

Book Bags - £4.50 / P.E. Bags - £4.00.  We hold a stock of these in school.  Please order and pay via your child's ParentPay account.

Requirements for P.E.

There is no P.E. uniform.  Children should wear a T-shirt and shorts/jogging bottoms.  They will also need a pair of pumps/trainers.

For reasons of hygiene we feel that your child must change into different clothes and shoes for P.E and games.

Requirements for Swimming

Swimming lessons are held for all children throughout each academic year.  Your child will require a swimming costume or swimming trunks and a towel.  Swimming aids will be provided by school.

Valuables and Jewellery

Pupils should not bring valuables into school, including mobile telephones and electronic games.

For the safety of all the children, jewellery is not permitted.  If your child has pierced ears, then only studs will be allowed which must be removed or covered for P.E for health and safety reasons.

All items of clothing and belongings should be clearly marked with your child’s name.  The school has no insurance for personal clothes and equipment.  







Clicking on the above logos will take you to the supplier websites where you can order uniform.